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Ways to report unsafe work conditions - Hernandez Law | Attorney Tatiana Hernandez for Workers’ Rights

Ways to report unsafe work conditions

All workers in the State of California have the right to a work environment that is safe and does not constantly put their lives at risk. If you encounter unsafe conditions at your workplace, it’s important to know how to report them effectively so you can get the response you’re looking for from your employer or the appropriate government entity. So we’ve made a comprehensive guide to reporting unsafe working conditions in California as clear as possible so you can use it as a tool if you feel unsafe.

  1. Understand your rights and which entity or department in your company can help you: Understanding your rights allows you to take the right steps and advocate for a safe workplace with the right person or entity.
  2. Document Unsafe Conditions you find within your workplace that may put you and your co-workers at risk: Gather evidence of unsafe work conditions you observe. Take photos, take notes, and collect any relevant documents. This documentation will serve as evidence to report the hazards and verify that they exist.
  3. Tell your employer: Tell your immediate supervisor or employer about unsafe conditions that you have identified. Follow your company’s reporting procedures, if available. Please provide specific details and request immediate action to address the issues.
  4. Contact Cal/OSHA: If your employer fails to address unsafe conditions or you are unable to report internally, you have the right to contact the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA). File a complaint by calling their toll-free number, visiting their website, or submitting a written complaint.

We want to remind you that California law protects employees from retaliation for reporting unsafe conditions. Therefore, it is prohibited from retaliating against you for exercising your rights and reporting a hazard to OSHA.

Reporting unsafe working conditions is essential to ensure safety in the workplace and is a right that all workers have regardless of their nationality. We are here to support you. Contact Us.
