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Employee monitoring. Is it ok? - Hernandez Law | Attorney Tatiana Hernandez for Workers’ Rights

Employee monitoring. Is it ok?

One of the current debates revolves around whether or not it is ethical to monitor and record employees in the workplace, with different pros and cons.

Advantages of monitoring workers or being monitored as a worker

Monitoring by your employer may become necessary to protect the interests of the company. Since in this way, inappropriate or illegal behaviors can be more easily detected and prevented, such as workplace bullying, harassment, cases of discrimination, among others.

Another argument in favor of monitoring is that it helps maintain a safe work environment. Since in this way you can monitor that safety regulations are being met, especially in some industries that use hazardous materials or carry out activities that can be risky.

Disadvantages of employee monitoring

On the other hand, some workers may feel that this method of supervision violates individual privacy and may also feel that their employer is not trusting them as they should. Therefore, in addition, constant monitoring can create an oppressive and stressful work environment for workers. people who feel observed and watched all the time.

The debate about whether monitoring in the workplace presents different ethical perspectives. While there are valid arguments in favor of monitoring to protect company interests and ensure a safe work environment, it is also essential to respect individual privacy and foster a culture of trust. Monitoring policies must balance the need for protection with respect for the rights and dignity of employees.

Whatever the case, remember that you always have rights and that your privacy should not be disturbed by an employer who feels insecure at their company.

In the event that your rights are being violated, you can contact our team of labor lawyers to receive support during your process.
